Monday, December 10, 2007
Just A Little Faith
It started a bit late - past 6pm, and I'm quite sorry it was partly my fault. It seemed that my brain didn't want to register the announced time and I arrived late. The venue was at Julie's Ihaw-Ihaw at Seaside Macapagal. If not for the little stench of the nearby canal blown by the wind into the cabana-style restaurant, things would have been very ideal. It was to our grateful delight though that the downpour of rain did the trick to get the stench out. Somebody up There must be very pleased with us to give us rain during that particular time!
About 30 fellow Boholanos came including, to our surprise, the distinguished Congressman Chatto of the 1st District of Bohol. Our mini bingo social was also a big hit as most of the winners donated their cash prizes for our outreach program at Payatas.
Appropriately, we ended the affair with happy rounds of beer as we merrily sang (and danced) with the videoke. It was one of those things that wasn't properly planned but turned out perfectly well. Sometimes, all it takes is a little faith that everything will work out fine. And it did, thankfully!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Backpacking to Panglao
1. Book airfare at least two months in advance. I would actually recommend one to avail of Cebu Pacific’s year-round Go-Fares promo. Word of caution though: Stick to your confirmed flight schedules as the term “low fares” will lose its meaning as soon as you rebook your tickets! So plan your trips in advance.
2. There is a Panglao-bound terminal (paradahan is more like it) near Shopper’s Mart at
3. The Alona junction has grown into an active community catering to foreign nationals since the last time I had been there. One can already find rentable rooms at very affordable prices (about P500) even from that distance away from the beachfront. But it’s really not that far; one can’t hear the waves though if that is what this trip is all about. Beachfront resorts are not quite as expensive as I would have thought either since I was able to find a room good for four adults at P800 only (this was at Bohol Diver’s Resort). Depending on your preferences and during the off-peak seasons from June to October, there would be a wide array of accommodations to choose from. During peak seasons, I guess it would be better to reserve accommodations beforehand, but maybe you would like to take your chances??? :-)
4. For a little countryside tour at Chocolate Hills and other attractions, one can negotiate for a one-day transportation and tour package. Average package went for about P1800.00 for 3-4 persons, using more-than-mediocre SUV as transport. The package already includes a visit to the infamous Chocolate Hills at Carmen. On the way back we stopped by the
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Say More for a Lot Less

Claire (Oh, OK, so that's not his real name...) and I have not been in good terms for a while now. 'A while' would probably be an understatement since it actually has been 'months' since we've had a decent conversation. In all honesty? I don't want to talk to him yet, sadly enough. If only I can magically not be able to see him though others can... Hmmm... that would be quite nice.
But why? what happened? Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear. But sorry to keep you hanging, that is not the point of this story. :-) This much I can say though: you choose people as 'Friends' and you choose others as 'friends'. He had always been one of the capitals in my world. Now, I don't know.
A week ago, during my birthday, he sent me a message. It was a birthday greeting and an apology. The greeting was good, I appreciated it. But the apology was something I would not have said to a Friend; though I'd give him a couple of plus points for the small effort. However it was, it was still an apology, for heaven's sake! Geez, women! That's probably what you guys out there would think. And maybe for the sake of argument, I was being overly sensitive and melodramatic. But I cannot help it that that message has put an overcast gloom on my subconscious for the past 7 days.
Damn the passion of a Scorpio! But hey, only until today, this very hour, minute, and second. My drama stops now. :-)
"Happy birthday! And I guess this would be a good time to tell you I'm sorry for having offended you in anyway. Again, happy birthday." - Claire
I couldn't really place it but just "i'm sorry" would have spoken a whole lot more. But then again, maybe he wasn't really??
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Middle Life
I arrived at Greenbelt chapel at 7:30am to hear mass. Bummer! I was late for service... and on this very day!
Already back home by 9am, I was relieved to have bought Go Nuts Donuts for my breakfast today. Hey! MTV's playing that song again... My friend Teena just informed me that we're still on for a little self-pampering at 1pm - a full body massage! Yaahhuuu!!! And Liezl and Rheea are coming along too! The more, the merrier! And hey, you're all going to help me cook later, ok?
It's 2:30pm. Ah, the good life! A quick foot spa, 15 minutes of sauna bath, then an hour of body massage. Wish I could have this often enough. Hmp! Well, maybe I can squeeze it in my budget every month? 2 months? Hmm...
Hey! It's 5pm already and I've still got some shopping to do for an all-girls get-together dinner at my place. It's not going to take 1 hour to buy a few groceries, is it?
Yeah, right. It's almost 6:30pm when my friends (well, my 'cooks' are more like it) and I arrived to prepare dinner. Uhm, sorry guys, but the massage lost all our awareness of time. But I'm sure we can whip something up in just 30 minutes. Promise!
And my 'cooks' did their thing! Impressive, indeed. 10 more minutes and Teena's dish will be done! Uh-oh, the gas just ran out. @*&%$#$%*!!!
By 8:30pm... Yum yum yum... Do the dishes really taste good or are we just hungry?? ...Yum yummy!
Ah, finally. The kitchen's in tiptop shape again. 10pm, what a night! Wish I had a beer though... Hey, where'd that remaining cooking wine go? :-) hehe
And, what a wine! I didn't know this wine can keep you up till 4:30 in the morning!
What a way to start mid-life. I just turned 36 years old yesterday. Hope the rest of the years are as colorful as how the first day turned out. Happy years ahead!
... I needed to know the complete lyrics of that song ...
SO FAR AWAY by Carole King
So far away, doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
Doesn't help to know you're just time away
Long ago I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
How I wish I could, but you're so far away
One more song about movin' along the highway
Can't say much of anything that's new
If I coild only work this life out my way
I'd rather spend in bein' close to you.
But you're so far away, doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
Doesn't help to know you're so far away
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
My Bangkok
A week ago, I was on my way to Bangkok for Thailand Open 2007. The event promised a showcase of the top tennis players in world and I was so excited to be a part of it all. I took the bait- hook, line and sinker- even though I cannot even call myself an amateur player. I expected so much but I felt I was cheated out of something I was entitled to. Huhuhuhuhu..... Life certainly has an insane, and quite costly, way of showing you her lessons, doesn't she? It's not fair!!!
1. Expect the unexpected.
- Two, Rafa and Andy R., of my most favorite players to watch during the Open pulled out from the tournament. Bad luck, good luck, who knows? Verdasco and Becker were good to watch, though and they were a nice consolation.
2. Travel with somebody you're in sync with, else travel alone.
- I don't really know much about MeeMee, my companion. But he's a tennis player in the Manila arena and I thought his excitement would equal mine during the games. I thought wrong. Seems like he was just watching live tennis on TV!!! What a total bummer.
- During our preparations for the trip, MeeMee was as diligent as could be expected of an excited traveller: have we got reservation for air and tournament tickets? about hotel accommodations? places to go after the games? etc... his questions were irritating at times when he'd catch me during my toxic moments at work but I felt I should be patient and understanding with a first-time tourist. I even psyched myself that I should lessen my adventurous side because I thought MeeMee was quite a planning freak with his daily calls. Ha! Little did I know that these calls were a facade for his indecision. At crunch time, I was not able to rely on him to make responsible choices for our safety. Double bummer.
- MeeMee, my nickname for him, defines the things we always talk about. Him, and him, and him. Triple bummer. Come to think of it, all the things he bought in Bangkok were for himself! Oh yeah, he did manage to buy a couple of pillowcase sets for his mom and girlfriend after 10 minutes of convincing.
- Two days of watching games, and I thought we were ready to do a little sightseeing on the 3rd day. "Yes! It would be good to sleep for a whole morning after watching those games, don' t you think?", he asked me. Huh??? I did not come to Thailand just to sleep away the day!
- The majesty of the Grand Palace was really stunning for me, as a non-Buddhist. Even though it was quite hot, but the artful paintings and buildings were quite mersmerizing. "Hey! Let's take a picture... Where is he???" ...and I find him waiting for me on the shade, not even looking at the paintings on the wall where most tourist were watching with apparent interest. Should I say more? Nah, I better stop. I'm getting myself worked up in an angry fit again, thinking back...
- I was at my happiest when we decided to part ways and just meet at the hotel. It was really a lot better wandering IT City and Siam alone.
My travel to Bangkok would have turned out a lot better if I'd had better company. I truly cannot say I was good company for him too, given the fact that I'd given in to many angry moments. We didn't have the qualities to mesh well for this trip. I've been to many places in my home country; I've been to two other countries, too; and, I've been into many unplanned adventures with other people. But this was a first that I've been very disappointed. It proved to be quite costly too. Experience is the best teacher, no? What more can I do.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Prince's Tale

It's 3am, and I have just finished reading one of the greatest love story ever.
I was physically exhausted. At first, it was just the mind doing its best to comprehend the events of the story. I even had to search back a few chapters, read again meaningful lines of events that led to the ending, just to make sure I understood the finale. Still I wondered if I got it right as I drifted off to a restless sleep with dreams of friends, love and magic.
But they weren't just dreams. They were my emotions building up as the story took root in my subconscious, and to awaken 4 hours later, feeling deeply overwhelmed of how that story made an impact on me.
What started out as a child's adventure turned into an epic of courage, then to a shocking tale of selfless love. It's a cynical age we live in today. It was highly refreshing that there are still people who want to instill hope through literature (if people will just take time to read), that love always matters (in whatever form), and that good will always triumph against evil (even after death).
I have hated the Prince since Book I of the Harry Potter series. But he has become my hero in the last chapters of the final book because he embodied both mankind's weakness and God's ultimate goodness. Harry was just each person's long journey of self discovery, if he cares enough to discover.
Harry Potter's lineage of great courage, skill, humanity, trust and love cannot be inherited beyond the four sides of the seven-series epic but its magic surely has overflowed into the hearts of many, including mine. It was a fitful ending to a weary journey.
Hats off to you, J.K. Rowling. Hope you give us more.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Little White Butterflies

I love to travel. I managed to stay away from home this past ten years or so, working here in the big city, because the opportunity to travel is here. Oh, I love my work too, but having both work and the chance to travel at the same time is a sweet package I enjoy having. But that incident made me realize there's not so much time a person has to spend it away from the people he loves for long. I guess half a lifetime away from the family is enough time to find my own person and now it would be the right time to share myself back to my family.
A lot of prayers, hope and little white butterflies kept me sane during that week of waiting for recovery news of my nieces. Both got through the ordeal well enough to ask their beloved aunt for a Dora doll they've been dying to have two weeks later. hehehe... No doubt, I'm very happy to oblige, my sweet little white butterflies.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Day I Knew United

In all honesty, I have never been a football fan. Basketball... yes, about half a lifetime ago when Michael Jordan was still The King of that sport; though, I wasn't even a Chicago Bulls fan either. Tennis... absolutely, since the rest of my lifetime will probably be spent "trying" to play the game. But, football? Not really... but United made me one that memorable New Year's Day just this 2007.
Still a bit tired from the previous night's new year's celebration, I switched from one channel to another that new year's day to find a movie to watch. Nothing good seem to be on during that time of day so I settled to watch football on Star Sports. I figured I was able to watch the 2002 World Cup between Brazil and Germany so maybe English football would be quite bearable. I was wrong. It was absolutely fantastic!
It wasn't even a Live feed from Star Sports. It was a replay of the Manchester United-Reading 2006 year-end game which the Reds won 3-2. I didn't know much about the game or its governing rules or even the players of the two teams I was watching. All I knew was that somebody needs to make a goal as soon as possible and so it was not a long wait before the name Ronaldo came up. I remember wondering how come he was playing with United when I knew he plays for Real Madrid. Little did I know that this is a different, much younger and Portuguese Ronaldo than the one I knew; BUT a Ronaldo, nonetheless. I was just hooked from then on and it seems up to this day, almost 3 months from the day I knew United, I am always hungry for information about football and my new team, ManU. I just hope that come next new year, I can truly boast to be a true football fan. I'm sure United will stay on top for a long while yet so it wouldn't be hard to become one.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Perfect Day

Friday, February 9, Davis Cup starts at 10am. I got out of bed with a bad stomach. So I thought, "to work or not to work? hmm..."
Did you ever have one of those days when you just needed the smallest of reasons to decide to forgo your normal day and just hangout? You feel you're doing something wrong and yet, you can't keep this excitement inside and look forward to what's in store for you throughout the day.
The bad stomach wasn't really a problem since we have loperamides for that. Hot tea was a good option and after a shower, I was ready for work. Or, was I? ...8am and my question still remained unanswered. "Pending tasks? ... none. Not much work on a Friday, too. And I really did have a stomachache and so, I think I need to take it slow for a few minutes and see if the hot tea would work", I thought. Yes... Now I got my reason and the answer to my question. "BUT... I WILL report for work later at 1pm. I just need enough time to relax my stomach a bit." :-)
9am, stomach's fine. "Nothing to do for 3hrs until official time-in for work. Hm... guess it would be OK to watch the 1st game, at the most".
As it turned out, the 1st Round of Davis Cup 2007, Group II Asia/Oceania Zone, Philippines vs Pakistan at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum was too much excitement for me to pass up. I arrived at the center court about 10am by myself, just as the 1st game was starting, but I left it at 330pm feeling part of a big family rooting for my siblings to win their game. That day was bittersweet: Philippines notched the 1st game in high fashion but lost to the Pakistanis in the 2nd in a heartwarming display of physical will and effort. All the same, it was one self-proclaimed holiday I would never regret and turned out to be a perfect day after all. :-)
Go, Pilipinas!
Note: Philippines won 4-1 against Pakistan for the 1st Round. 2nd Round will be against New Zealand this April 6-8 at New Zealand.